Half a nation below age 23

Reaching Millennial & Generation Z Filipinos with the Gospel requires new tools.  We're committed to developing them.



Echo Media Missions & Humanitarian Outreach exists to reflect the heart of heaven toward Filipino youth & young adults through Gospel-rooted media and humanitarian projects.

Our Focus

Filipino youth grow up in a media saturated culture, spending an average 10 hours per day with their gadgets, radio, & television.  At Echo, we recognize the influence media has in shaping values and are determined to counteract much of the negative and harmful messages that youth are exposed to.  

Media Projects

Through our radio, tv, satellite, online & mobile projects our aim is not entertainment, but life change. 

Live Events

Concerts & conferences are effective tools for introducing God's love to a totally new audience on the street and in the market place. 

Humanitarian Outreach

They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.   Through our radio stations, we respond to pressing needs in our communities after natural and man-made disasters.

Take Action

Volunteer your energy, talents and resources to bring inspiration and hope to those who need it. 

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